Hilda Jayewardenaramaya Buddhist Monastery
Buddhist Congress of Canada (BCC)
1481 Heron Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (1-613-321-5677 | bcc.ottawa@rogers.com)
The Hilda Jayewardenaramaya Buddhist Monastery and meditation centre is established to preserve the Theravada Buddhist teaching in the Western world. The provision of facilities for ordained monks to practice the noble teaching, disseminate the Buddhist teaching among lay people (i.e. morality (Sila), concentration (Samadhi), wisdom (Panna)), and teaching noble qualities such as tolerance, hospitality, compassion, and loving kindness are our objectives.
“Conquer anger with non-anger. Conquer badness with goodness. Conquer meanness with generosity. Conquer dishonesty with truth.” - BUDDHA -
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